Data Lab 247 is your trusted Computer Drive Recovery Expert

What sets Data Lab 247 apart from the other data recovery companies is the guaranteed firm price that comes with guaranteed and verifiable result. Our team of experts has stood behind successfully recovered tens of thousands cases globally. We deliver the possibly best and absolutely verifiable data recovery results to the wide range of businesses, organizations, and individual customers. The integrity and consistency of recovered files are always guaranteed for every owner of initially failed but then successfully reconstituted hard drive, RAID, computer, or server.
Restoring crashed digital devices is the key specialty for Data Lab 247 - 24/7 operating laboratory with 20+ years of extensive experience in data recovery. The everyday work and new researches bring in return not only the skills like how to fix the hard drive or repair a corrupted document or recording, but also the knowledge how to deliver the rescued files in the most effective and convenient manner back to user. And that signifies fast turnaround and guaranteed successful result at affordable price.
We know how hard it can be for anyone to go through the difficult times in painful data loss experiences. To make that crisis time less harsh we made it possible for you to stay tuned during the whole data recovery process. The secure, real time tracking system gives you an accurate sense of where the current progress is now, and when it's expected to be finalized. Plus, the lab's team keeps you in touch 24-7 with the latest significant updates.
When saved data is good and ready, you will get FTP-style access to restored files to browse securely through entire directory tree, remotely - for checking and approving the result.
When is the Right Time to turn to Data Recovery Service?
We say: the sooner the better is the simple and right answer. The longer way to the Lab, with a few shortstops at computer repair shops on the way, will definitely drastically reduce the chances of successful recovery. The unpleasant truth is that digital media fail, regardless its brand, age, or circumstances. When it does, to distinguish the right timing for making call for professional help from a decent specialist is up to you.

Data Lab 247 offers better rate for equal service level
When it comes to compare rates among industry competitors, the complexity level of recovery case is a key factor. As the team of experts we can assure that here, at Data Lab 247, you get the best level-to-cost ratio, as we stick to the price regardless any complications encountered on the way to retrieve and restore original files from the failed media. Even the top recovery level on the scale of damage extent will never break your bank, we guarantee to work on your project as hard as whatever it takes to solve the problem and deliver the utmost possible data recovery result.

If this is all about the cost of saving your files
Today's rates are covering every data recovery scenario - that includes any types of delicate drive repairs and internal parts replacements in the clean-room laboratory. Are our rates firm and final? Yes, they absolutely are! We keep our word and follow exactly and accordingly to every digit, and we guarantee they never go up. Moreover, the cost can be drastically reduced or even dropped to zero if the recovery outcome is not satisfactory by any technical reason.

What is under the hood of disk repairing and file restoration process?
In-lab data recovery process may involve a variety of precise internal HDD-mechanics repairing, programming and drive's software re-engineering activities, all linked as a chain of multiple restoration steps required just for one purpose: to get back your files from damaged device. Data Lab experts work every day and night with internally damaged media, suffering from problems like jammed disk motor, stuck or damaged heads, clicking head actuator, disks vibration, or dusty and scratched platters, burned or damaged electronic components, ruined or corrupted the whole operating systems or just some particular files. Needless to say our experts are extremely knowledgeable in every aspect of hard drive repair and restoration as well as in every operating system, including famous Microsoft, Apple, and Linux. Virtual volumes (VMWare +other), encrypted drives/disks/partitions are supported as well. Regardless the failure issue the failed media had undergone - from troubling to access files from corrupted disk volumes due to physical damage to the internal disk platters - to software malfunction and problems related to viruses, lost/deleted or corrupted files - our laboratory can handle them all. Our team of engineers will start working with the damaged media IMMEDIATELY upon its arrival to our lab. We have everything here in the lab to finish the project and send you the good news about success in data recovery of files you need, hopefully sooner than you'd expect.
The failure symptoms are not always quite obvious, unless the device had gone from seemingly good condition to obvious dead state in a short period of time. Sometimes, the first indirect signs of drives failure may indicate the following problems:
- Freezing or locking up the computer
- Not detected by BIOS / CMOS
- Hard drive is unable to access (inaccessible drive)
- Hard drive makes a repetitive clicking sound, or few clicks and stops the motor
- Unable to boot computer
- The disk is asking to be formatted (re-format)
- Unable to access drive with an error message
Primary Master disk failed, Press F1 to continue"
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• Emergency File Repair:
Upload Damaged File
Note: Apply for emergency File Recovery from a Device from the start/quote page